Williamstown, VIC, February 2021

I do not claim to understand the meaning of sacrifice by my own virtues. Sacrifice means an act done on the basis of looking beyond yourself and serving others driven by perfect love, knowing you will never get anything in return. It requires tremendous generosity, courage, and selflessness to do so.
I believe it is a high calling for every individual. Life makes so much more sense when the focus is about something bigger than me. Certainly easier said than done, to sacrifice would cause a friction to my innate nature to “self-preserve”. But self-preserving always ends in emptiness. I spoke from personal experience. From being depressed, anxious, lonely, angry, suicidal, to finding God.
I turned to counselling, searched every philosophy and religion, even drugs and occultism to find the answer as to why I am here. I believe in God. I don’t believe in intellectual understanding of Him through religion (institution, set of rules, ceremonies) and philosophy (what humans think) but I know Him personally. I believe in the sacrifice that He did for me. “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer , I have overcome the world.” John 16:33